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Testnet ETH
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Written by Everstrike
Updated in the last 15 minutes

To get testnet ETH (useful for testing wallet operations on the Everstrike Testnet), you can use one of the many faucets that work with Ethereum Sepolia or Arbitrum Sepolia (the networks supported by the Everstrike Testnet).

Ethereum Sepolia

Non-exhaustive list of faucets that provide Ethereum Sepolia ETH:

You may also check this list for an up-to-date list of Ethereum Sepolia faucets.

Arbitrum Sepolia

Non-exhaustive list of faucets that provide Arbitrum Sepolia ETH:

Arbitrum Sepolia ⇆ Ethereum Sepolia

You can use the official Arbitrum Sepolia Bridge to bridge Sepolia ETH between Ethereum Sepolia and Arbitrum Sepolia.

Testnet Stablecoins

Below, you'll find a list of stablecoins supported by the Everstrike Testnet (and their respective contract addresses).

To make these stablecoins visible inside your testnet wallet, you may need to use its "Import Token" function, providing the contract addresses listed below.

Ethereum Sepolia

Arbitrum Sepolia

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